2009/3/31 Georg Holzmann grh@mur.at:
afaik, pdpedia is poorly maintained at the moment. I think there will be a better solution in the future to get rid of spam and optimize searching and contributions. for now, your observation of burnout seems correct. marius.
I think pdpedia has a lot of potential, but it needs someone to take ownership of it. Its really open to anyone who wants to take it on. It is useful now for searching based on keywords. I use it to find objects based on key words.
I quite agree, and I have written for some articles to make them more useful (FIR~, multiplex~, and tabwrite) but I feel lonely doing so. I'm the only user to have made any changes to pdpedia content in the last 30 days; there has been some spamfighting by Hans and lots of spam from anonymous IPs but if noone else is updating the actual content I don't see why I am doing it.
Silly question: but why don't you just use captchas did get rid of all these massive spam attacks ? (However, I don't know if this is difficult to install on this system - otherwise maybe have to use user accounts ...)
http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SpamBlacklist is something that could be considered. It prevents any edit to a page which inserts a URL matching a list of regexes.