On Aug 30, 2005, at 21:39, Rune Lain Knudsen wrote:
I hope this is not too OT, but I'm working on a project where PD/ GEM is going to be used for interpretation of a tree's movement
caused by wind. Basically a camera will be used to record a tree, this will be made
into a moviefile that will be uploaded to a website periodically.
The movement from the tree will be the basis for triggering a
Does anyone have any recommendations regarding a camera/webcam that
doesn't cost too much and which is capable of recording 30fps with
a fairly good resolution? It also needs a zoom lens as the tree will be a
bit far away from the camera.
i think your requirements does not fit with low cost equipment. i
don't know about a [web]cam that has good zoom and is able to record
30f and is cheap. there will be two ways: 1) buy an (external)
capture card and a monitoring cam (high latency). 2) buy a cheap
camcorder (300-400eur) and plug it in to mac mini's firewire port.
I was thinking about using a mac mini to record, interpret and
upload; would the standard(1.4Ghz/512MB/80GB) be enough for this?
should be enough, but maybe a cheap pc + onboard/internal capture card + monitoring cam