carmen schrieb:
It really depends what you want do do later? artist, teach, economy. the ITP has the best reputation in interaction art
says who? ive been paying attentions to the projects coming out of there since i toured the place in 1997 considering going (that is, if i completed 4 years of undergrad work first, which i did 0.25). it looked like a bunch of wankery. the only thing that i even remember at this point was the multipoint touchscreen project. i'd suggest digging thru the PDFs of conferences like NIME, DAFx, AES, and see what schools they are coming from. several of them have already been mentinoed, but nowhere near all of them...
me, sorry, I should have pointed out, that this is just a personal opinion from what schools I know. You are right, digging thru the PDFs of conferences like NIME, DAFx, AES is a good idea, I'll try this and be back with more profund information... marius.