am 24.03.2002 19:29 Uhr schrieb Frank Barknecht unter
I'm trying to get familiar with the flext C++ interface to PD. For that, I ported Millers dspobj~ example to flext. The attached source should create a "mydsp" object with in inlet and one outlet. But I can't load this object, PD complains about a missing symbol "__5mydspf". Does someone know, why this simple external doesn't work?
Sorry but i can't figure it out now - neither why the compiler complains about FLEXT_TILDE_NEW, nor why it doesn't load. Which platform/compiler do you use?
I would suggest that you have a bit of patience for a few days until i will release version 0.2.0 which has changed in some aspects and which has a few more features. With that version (which shall constitute a basis to do real work with) i'd like to discuss all problems, work out a usable documentation, and make it bugfree and more portable.
greetings, Thomas