It looks like the Gem model loading error message is somehow being executed by Pd. That's an odd one. Can you narrow it down? Can you provide a working example so that I can reproduce this on my machine?
On 03/04/2013 11:16 AM, Patrick Pagano wrote:
This pd extended 0.43-4 Ubuntu 64 bit When i am clicking on Hradio buttons, this TCL error appears
} {} 1 (Tcl)\ MISSING\ CLOSE-BRACE\ '}':\ missing\ close-brace\n\ \ \
while\ executing\n"\00}\ 1\ {_glmFindMaterial():\ \ can't\ find\ material
"initialShadingGroup".::pdwindow::logpost\ {}\ 4\ {loaded\ image
'/home/shree/Desktop/vj-live2\ (1)/images/..."\n\ \ \ \ ("uplevel"\ body
line\ 4)\n\ \ \ \ invoked\ from\ within\n"uplevel\ #0\ $cmds_from_pd"then the GUI does not update. The whole dump is in the pdwindow.txt
On 03/04/2013 10:16 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Click on the pd window, and do File --> Save as...
On 03/04/2013 09:09 AM, Patrick Pagano wrote:
I am having a wired TCL error with pd extended on ubuntu 64 bit, how do i generate a window dump?