IOhannes just confirmed that the pix_multiblob code has changed and thus broke the patch. Since i don't have the git version compiled I can't test here. So that is a confirmed Gem problem. I don't see the point to work with that object any more, now that I know that the new version breaks backward compatibility. I want to be able to make a patch that works with whatever gem version : (
Am 10.06.2013 um 18:58 schrieb Max
Bonjour Antoine et merci beacuoup. Thanks a lot for testing this. A change in behavior between Gem release and git is probably not intended, so that's where I hope IOhannes can have a look into.
Am 10.06.2013 um 17:34 schrieb Antoine Villeret
it works on my machine (Ubuntu 64bit) with pd 0.44-extended-20130528 (Gem 93.3) and I can also confirm it works with latest pd vanilla and Gem 0.93.3 and it doesn't with the latest Gem from Git but I don't know why yet...
-- do it yourself Max
Am 06.06.2013 um 18:18 schrieb Jack
Hello Max,
I have the same results than Antoine. A screenshot is attached. Configuration : Ubuntu 13.04, Pd 0.44.3, Gem ver: 0.93.git 374f713.
I just tested it with another machine Windows Pd-ext 0.43 / Gem 0.92 Windows Pd-ext 0.44 / Gem 0.93.3 both work as expected.
I'm wondering if it really could be your unreleased Gem version. Could you try a precompiled stock version instead?