Christian Klippel wrote:
servo's are _slightly_ different in that they dont take the classical pwm that you can regulate from 0..100%.
instead, a servo needs a repetetive pulse between 1 and 2 miliseconds. that pulse train can have a frequency from 30 to 400 hz, for example, but the pulse width stays in the same range. a pulse of 1.5 ms positions the servo into the center, 1 and 2 ms are for the full movement to the left or right respectively.
in the controller you need a loop (or, preferably, an interrupt) that just waits some 20 ms, then sets the pulse on, waits 1 to 2 ms, and turns off again, then repeat ....
...or a 50Hz pwm with a positive pulse width varying between 5 and 10 percent. Doing this from a soundcard output is bad because 50Hz is close to the low-frequency cutoff of the card, so the parts of the pulse that should be at either 0V or 5V will actually drift towards each other. You would need to add a comparator to get a digital level signal. The arduino digitalWrite command in conjunction with delayMicroseconds (for the positive pulse)and delay (for the negative pulse) should be OK for this. Martin