On Sat, 2005-11-26 at 16:38 -0500, B. Bogart wrote:
Hmmm, maybe we should not be using a system font then... (use a single GPL ttf we can distribute with PD?)
i would prefer a bitmap font over ttf font... but then again, tk/tcl also "scales" bitmap fonts... doh. http://osku.de/ext-stuff/pd_font_trouble01.png
If the same font is not consistant accross platforms then no tk fiddling will fix the issue.
Thanks for the clarification Miller.
Friday morning's are the best for your then Miller? Any other mornings?
Miller Puckette wrote:
Well, the "courier" font on Windows is much taller for the same width than on Linux or Mac. I think most of the difference isn't the height of the characters but the empty space between lines.
Tuesday mornings are difficult for me -- office hours and teaching.
cheers Miller
On Sat, Nov 26, 2005 at 02:16:19PM -0500, B. Bogart wrote:
Hi Miller,
how easy would it be to change all the point sizes in TK and then remove the C function to do the pixel conversion?
I don't see how the point size will be somehow different in aspect ratio from the pixel size?
If courier 12 is say 10pixels wide then it should be identical to courier -10 visually, since the aspect *should* be the same.
Or am I misunderstanding what you mean by the "at least three dimensions to a font size"?
The font issue is really a stumbling block for trying to make anything look constant accross platforms. The current PD documentation is a great example of this, where, depending on the platform, many help-patches open with overlapping messages/comments. :(
Will you be able to attend the next PD documentation meeting on tuesday the 29th of November?
Miller Puckette wrote:
Well, they're given to TK as "points", but then in s_main.c, a setup routine, glob_initfromgui(), actually searches through the fonts for those closest to the desired _pixel_ size. At tha time I believe TK had no way of specifying pixel size. I'm not sure what the truth is now; you can feed TK negative "point sizes" that are supposed to generate known pixel sizes, but there are at least three dimensions to a font size and I don't know how the single number maps to them. Ugh...
On Sat, Nov 26, 2005 at 01:24:59PM -0500, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
On Nov 26, 2005, at 1:03 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Wed, 23 Nov 2005, Andre Schmidt wrote:
>http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TkCmd/tk.htm#M7 >"tk scaling ?-displayof window? ?number?
>wouldnt this mean that we could do pixel accurate, measurements and >finetuning (calibration) on the client to get the desired font size ?
This only applies to distances not specified in pixels.
>i made a test and added "tk scaling 1.5" in the beginning of "pd.tk" >made a test pacth with all gui objects having font size 10... but it >seems to affect only labels, and nmb2 : http://osku.de/allgui.png
So now you know which are the things currently specified in pixels... that is, almost everything. I don't think "tk scaling" will help us.
So that means that the comment font is being specified in pixels somewhere. That is something that I don't remmeber seeing at all. AFAIK, all of the font definitions in pd.tk/u_main.tk using point numbers. Where are the point numbers being converted into pixels?
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