Am Freitag, 15. September 2006 08:07 schrieb padawan12:
I tried it Chris, wicked stuff. Oddly I've been talking about old sound chips quite a bit recently, there seems to be a revival of interest. Noah Vawter from MIT gave me an explanatin of why the Sid was such a superior beast to the AY38610. Were there any other notable "synthesiser on a chip" attempts?
there is also the ay-3-8910 from yamaha, often used in arcade games (have plenty of them). there are some more fm chips from yamaha, iirc, also used in the atari computers. then we have the famous SID (from the c64), available as pci card nowdays, called "hardsid" (you need old sid's to put in there, of course). for speech, there have been speech synthesis chips like the SC-01 (have one as well, from a broken qbert arcade)
you may also check the MAME/MESS sources. most ancient (and current) soundchips are avilable as emulation there, used for the arcade and microcomputer emulations.