Selon derek holzer
from what i recall about ASIO, it is not a multi-client protocol in the sense that two clients cannot share one channel. if PD is launched using two channels, these channels can't be used by Nuendo. sometimes the ASIO interface of an app is written so that this one application opens ALL the ASIO channels by default. if this is the case with Nuendo, then you would not get sound from any other app. you might look into that.
but the routing possibilties of the HDSPmixer are really incredible, so that would be the best bet [under windoze at least] if you can get the ASIO stuff sorted out. why not record to a simpler sound editor like Audacity, rather than something more complex like Nuendo? under Linux, all this stuff is sorted out quite easily by the Jack application. maybe a reason to give it a try?
I have finally done my recording using [writesf~] without any problem
About Audacity, why not, but the same ASIO problem will remain, won't it ? I think it's possible to select only some of the ASIO tracks in Nuendo, I just have to see how (this is a big program, so I didn't have a look at everything)
What a pity there is no Jack protocol under Windows ... (does anyone know a similar program ?)
I also use Linux, but (at least until last summer) the ALSA driver wasn't compatible with the latest HDSP firmware, and my HDSP is very new ... It was also impossible to downgrade the firmware. I don't remember what the problems were exactly, but I spent over 2 months on it without any success.
I may wait until the ALSA driver is the generic Linux sound driver (it will be integrated in the Linux 2.5 kernel). Also, PlanetCCRMA has upgraded to ALSA 9.6, maybe it is worth trying a new CCRMA Linux configuration ...
have a nice day