On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 22:37 +0100, Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, Roman Haefeli hat gesagt: // Roman Haefeli wrote:
hm. i'd rather say, that the error messages it outputs are inconsistent. the help-file says, that it accepts numbers and symbols. i'd expect it to output an error, whenever a non-symbol or non-number message is received. however, what it does, is quite 'funny', if not to say 'frivolous':
sending messages and corresponding error messages:
[select three] 'list one 2' error: inlet: no method for 'float' 'list one two' no error 'symbol one' no error '3' no error 'one' error: select: no method for 'one' 'bang' error: select: no method for 'bang
[select 3] 'list one 2' no error 'list one two' error: inlet: no method for 'symbol' 'symbol one' no error '3' no error 'one' error: select: no method for 'one' 'bang' error: select: no method for 'bang
[select] distributes lists over its inlets, so this behaviour looks correct. See my other mail.
thanks for clarification. once again i just forgot about this distribution behaviour. makes perfectly sense to me now. everything is in order and consistent.... aaaaah... nicee.......... ;-)
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