The one I got working well was fux_kinect or fux_freenect, I forgot
exactly what its called. But that's on Mac OS X. Try running both at
the same time, its all quite new, so you'll be on the bleeding edge :)
On Jul 10, 2011, at 8:00 AM, Matteo Sisti Sette wrote:
I have a Kinect and I have already installed the OpenNI stuff on
Ubuntu 10.10 and got it to run. I also got OSCeleton and managed to
send skeleton data to Pd through OSC.Now I would like to get the raw images from the sensor in Gem, both
the depth image and the camera image.What's currently the easiest way to do that? Is the plugins
framework working now, and if so how do I get the kinect to work
with it?Or is it easier to use a standalone pix_freenect or pix_kinect or
pix_whatever and in this case, which is the one that works best
right now?Is it possible to have Pd read the raw sensor images while at the
same time OSCeleton is running?And is it possible to get in Pd BOTH the depth image and the camera
image now?I read the whole thread "videoKINECT plugin for pix_video" but I
didn't get an idea of the current situation.Thanks m. mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->
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