Here's a (cranky) idea I'm thinking about for this: what if "openpanel" translated filenames into encoded strings without white space, so that a filename, "program files", became "program\sfiles" and "a\b c" became "a\b\sc". I'd fix all the file opening messages throughout Pd to make the opposite translation -- whenever you see a backslash - s, substitute a space...
gotchas are:
message box, has to change it;
de-backslashing function (which I'll incorporate into open_via_path() for instance) before opening the file in question; same for "save" operations.
Does this sound like a reasonable solution?
cheers Miller
On Thu, Nov 15, 2001 at 01:09:23PM +0100, pix wrote:
it appears not, but even if it could, you would not really have any luck processing a value that contained spaces in pd. since it would be treated as a list most of the time.
it is particularly nasty that it doesn't work tho. especially with mp3play~, as it crashes pd if you give it an "open" command with a filename that doesn't exist (like one that is truncated at the first space, for example).
On Wed, 14 Nov 2001 21:42:15 +0100 (CET) Miha Tom wrote:
Is it possible for [openpanel] to return filename that includes spaces?
- Miha Tom¹iè --- C. na postajo 55 -- SI-1351 Brezovica pri Lj. ---