On Tue, 2012-04-10 at 15:54 +0200, Patrice Colet wrote:
I've downloaded a zip at this url:
to get arduino patches for the 0.43.1-extended-20111221* release I've got installed in my vista box.
When I'm launching an help patch I've got this error message in console:
maximum object loading depth 1000 reached arduino ... couldn't create
I suppose it's not directly related with arduino patches but I don't often open abs with thousands of objects inside ;)
On which version of pdx is it supposed to work?
It's supposed to work for all version that Hans' version is supposed to work for. At least it would work with >= 0.42.
Can you give us more information about the path of Pd-extended installation, the Pduino installation and how you started Pd-extended and how you opened arduino-help.pd ?
Thanks for your report