Hey all,
I know that some people where working on generating a list of
objectclass aliases for importing into pdpedia (i.e. f = float).
Here's my contribution, I wrote a quick sed regexp that pulled the
name from anytime addcreator() was used, which is the function that
defines the aliases.
find ~/code/pure-data/ -type f -name *.c -print0 | xargs -0 grep
addcreator |
sed 's|.*/(.*).c:.*gensym("(.*)").*|\1 - \2|' | sort -u
Here's the list it generated, it is not definitive, but has a lot of
the aliases. The first word is the filename, which is usually the
same as the objectclass name. The second word is the alias name:
a2l - a2l a2l - any2list allow - allow arbran - arbran arraycopy - arraycopy average - average beat - beat beta - beta bilex - bilex borax - borax catch13~ - c13~ cauchy - cauchy chord - chord clone - clone~ clusterstuff - pdp_pointcloud cmath~ - cexp~ cmath~ - nfft~ cmath~ - nifft~ cube_sphere - cube_sphere cursor - bng d_global - r~ d_global - s~ d_math - q8_rsqrt~ d_math - q8_sqrt~ d_ugen - switch~ delta - delta demultiplex - demux demultiplex~ - demux~ deny - deny desire - cnv desire - drawcurve desire - drawsymbol desire - filledcurve desire - filledpolygon desire - hdl desire - hradio desire - hslider desire - inlet~ desire - nbx desire - outlet~ desire - page desire - pd desire - radiobut desire - radiobutton desire - rdb desire - table desire - template desire - toggle desire - vdl desire - vradio desire - vslider dinlet~ - dinlet~ dist - d dist - dist divide - divide divmod - divmod dollarg - $n drip - unfold edge - edge envgen - envgen~ expo - expo fiddle~ - fiddle fifo - fifo filesize - fsize float24 - f24 fofsynth~ - fofsynth~ for++ - for_pp g_canvas - page g_canvas - pd g_canvas - table g_hdial - radiobut g_hdial - radiobutton g_hdial - rdb g_hslider - hslider g_io - inlet~ g_io - outlet~ g_mycanvas - my_canvas g_numbox - my_numbox g_template - drawcurve g_template - drawsymbol g_template - filledcurve g_template - filledpolygon g_template - template g_toggle - toggle g_vslider - vslider gauss - gauss gcanvas - bng gestalt - gestalt get - snmp/get get - snmpget history - history iAmbient2D - pmpd.iAmbient2D iAmbient3D - pmpd.iAmbient3D iCircle2D - pmpd.iCircle2D iCircle3D - pmpd.iCircle3D iCylinder3D - pmpd.iCylinder3D iLine2D - pmpd.iLine2D iPlane3D - pmpd.iPlane3D iSeg2D - pmpd.iSeg2D iSphere3D - pmpd.iSphere3D iem_anything - any iem_append - merge_any iem_cot4~ - iem_cot~ iem_event - iem_event iem_i_route - iiroute iem_pow4~ - icot~ iem_prepend - pp iem_prepend - prepend iem_receive - iem_r iem_route - ir iem_send - iem_s ignore - ignore init - ii inv - 1/x inv - 1/x~ iso - iso kalashnikov - uzi knob - knob lifo - lifo limit - limit linear - linear link - lia link2D - lia2D link3D - lia3D list2int - l2i list2symbol - l2s lister - l listfifo - listfifo listfunnel - listfunnel lpt - lp mDNSBrowse - mdnsbrowse mass - masse mass2D - masse2D mass3D - masse3D match - match matrix - mtx mean~ - cx.avgdev mean~ - cx.mean mean~ - cx.stddev minus - minus mknob - mknob mlife - mlife mtx_colon - mtx_: mtx_matrix - mtx mtx_mul - mtx_* mtx_mul - mtx_.* mtx_mul~ - matrix_mul_line~ mtx_mul~ - matrix_mul~ mtx_mul~ - matrix~ mtx_mul~ - mtx_*~ mtx_not - mtx_! multi - multi multiplex - mux multiplex~ - mux~ multiselect - multisel nchange - nchange netclient - netclient netdist - netdist netrec - netrec netserver - netserver nroute - nroute numberbox_matrix - numberbox_matrix openpatch - opa pack - zexy/pack parentdollarzero - parent$0 pdp_3d_context - 3dp_context pdp_3d_dlist - 3dp_dlist pdp_3d_push - 3dp_mode pdp_cog - pdp_cog_abs_thresh pdp_histo - pdp_pointcloud pdp_histo - pdp_pointcloud_matrix pdp_inspect - pdp_t pdp_logic - pdp_bitdepth pdp_logic - pdp_bitmask pdp_logic - pdp_hthresh pdp_logic - pdp_not pdp_logic - pdp_or pdp_logic - pdp_sthresh pdp_logic - pdp_xor pdp_mat_lu - pdp_m_LU pdp_mat_lu - pdp_m_LU_solve pdp_mat_mul - pdp_m_+=mm pdp_mat_mul - pdp_m_mv pdp_mat_vec - pdp_m_vec2list pdp_stateless - pdp_flip_lr pdp_stateless - pdp_flip_tb pdp_stateless - pdp_garble pdp_stateless - pdp_positive pdp_stateless - pdp_sign pdp_stateless - pdp_zthresh pdp_trigger - pdp_t pdp_zoom - pdp_rotate pdp_zoom - pdp_zrot pitch - pitch plus - plus poisson - poisson pong - pong pp~ - ++~ pulse - pulse ramp~ - blockramp~ receive13 - r13 receive13~ - r13~ remote - remote rewrap - rewrap rhythm - rhythm rl - rl room_sim_2d - room_sim_2d room_sim_3d - room_sim_3d scale - scale score - score send13 - s13 send13~ - s13~ sl - sl spec2_add_scalar~ - spec2+s~ spec2_add~ - spec2+~ spec2_mul_scalar~ - spec2*s~ spec2_mul~ - spec2*~ spec2_sub~ - spec2-~ speedlim - speedlim split - split sprinkler - forward sprinkler - fw step - step subst - subst sym_dial - sym_dial symbol2list - s2l sync - sync t3_delay - t3_del tCircle2D - pmpd.tCircle2D tCircle3D - pmpd.tCircle3D tCube3D - pmpd.tCube3D tCylinder3D - pmpd.tCylinder3D tLine2D - pmpd.tLine2D tLink2D - tLia2D tLink3D - tLia3D tPlane3D - pmpd.tPlane3D tSeg2D - pmpd.tSeg2D tSphere3D - pmpd.tSphere3D tSquare2D - pmpd.tSquare2D temperature - temperature throw13~ - t13~ tilt - tilt timebang - timebang toddle - bng toggle_mess - tm triang - triang unpack - zexy/unpack unroute - unroute unsymbol - unsym urn - urn vector+ - v+ vector- - v- vector0x2a - v* vector0x2f - v/ vectorabs - vabs vectorpack - vpack velocity - velocity wavinfo - fsize weibull - weibull wrap - wrap x_connective - b x_connective - f x_connective - fswap x_connective - i x_connective - r x_connective - s x_connective - sel x_connective - select x_connective - t x_connective - v x_time - del xvalue - xv
"[W]e have invented the technology to eliminate scarcity, but we are
deliberately throwing it away to benefit those who profit from
scarcity." -John Gilmore