|However, I'm running LinuxPPC1999 and Guenter's version did not function |(I posted a while ago about the problem with gui not talking with the |rest...). However, I tried today Miller's version and it behaves nicely |but no audio... ioctl reports a problem with OSS not being able to |connect to device 0 ... All my OS has is the oss kernel module. | |Any ideas? | |I haven't been able to run any sound app other than mp3 players.... | |I remember someone posted some fix of the endianess problem (changing a |line or 2 in the sources).
if you can run an mp3 player sound should be oke ? maybe just some device name stuff again or .. .. and the -frags/-fragsize options.
i m running miller's version on debianPPC on the imac. everything top so far except for midi () + endianess when i sfwrite i have to sox -x the files or so.