On Mon, 2014-01-27 at 23:35 +0100, Roman Haefeli wrote:
I'm using a template consisting of a rectangle done with [filledpolygon] and a number [drawnumber] in it. While mouse clicks anywhere in the area of the rectangle are detected, it's only possible to change the number with the keyboard when I exactly click on the number. Is there a way to make the number catch the keyboard no matter where I click in the rectangle?
To answer my own question: I had some thought about dealing with the 'capture the keyboard' part. When clicking the rectangle, I could use the pointer to route keyboards events from [keyname] to the clicked scalar. This way, I could even use 'Left' and 'Right' key events to move the scalar selection with the keyboard. This would allow to set a whole array of numbers by only using the keyboard. It's still not clear how to unselect the whole thing, when data entry is completed, though. I believe many interfaces allow de-select something by clicking anywhere nearby. Don't know if that is feasible in Pd. Using a key would be another option. The 'Escape' key, for instance.