I should have read this before sending my previous mail.
That won't always work. The order the number is send to the inlets of [>] is undefined. In practice it depends on the order you made the connection, I think. But that could change, so at least put a trigger in between.
[number] | [trigger f f]
crossing the wires here to the [>], so it first sends it to the left and then to the right inlet.
That is even better than what I sent earlier.
On Monday 03 November 2003 00:02, noskule wrote:
hi list i'm shure there's a way to build a patch that gives a "1" if numbers are growing and a "0" if there decrease .. . ....i just dident find out jet . ..dos anyone have a suggestion .. .. thanx nos
. .oki got it it coudent be more simple ..
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[ > ]