another chapter in this: I just tried out the same patch, using now [metro] instead of Lyon's objects. The problem is that the results are still quite simliar, i.e. I still get clicks (almost) every 125ms (the beat duration), resulting from non-aligned phases. You can look at the attached file, get a big zoom, and look at the multiples of 125ms.
Was it supposed that with metro->vline the messages would go out in time, as I understood? The patch is too complicated for me to put it online, so I'll explain what it happens:
the array
[10000, 20000 125(, [20000, 30000 125( (these are fictional values to read three fragments on a sequence)
As I understood before, would the metro bangs arrive to vline~ "on time", so that vline's reading index doesn't get rebuffered? that doesn't seem to be the case of what's happening now, I think. I also tried changing the message from [0, 10000 125( to [10000 125(, but there were no differences.
Or may I make the final question: is it possible to read table segments sequentially, whose size is different from the block size? Or does it has to be done with some kind of a polyphonic reader + overlapping?