Yves Degoyon wrote:
yep, you're right, it's not directly compatible but i meant, a camera you can plug on a video 4 linux device
of course this works, but most people that spent their money on a DV-cam want to use it directly, not via a/d/a/d conversion.
( http://home.t-online.de/home/gunther.mayer/bttv/bttv-gallery.html ). there's a nifty usb adaptor at the bottom of the page ( Provideo PV-321C ), i'd like to get one soon .
thanks for the link. i was looking for a analog2usb converter before christmas and bought a pinnacle pctv deluxe; this is (of course) not supported by linux; and what is even better, under windows the device can only(!) be accessed by the pinnacle-software that comes with the product : pretty shitty
this chapter is quite interesting for me because i must do a capture object for mac osx and there's no video 4 linux on OSX.
so, Gem is supporting ie1394 capture on all platforms ?
it is well supported under windows (DirectShow) and macOS (QuickTime) the support under linux i consider a bit - hmm - experimental.
it is digital capture through firewire?
does it work good or do you need a fast machine to cope with the bitrate ?
(continue to talk about linux) it did work for me, although decoded frames sometimes turned out a bit "digitally distorted" (well known when using "fast forward" on digital devices) it wasn't too bad but i guess you cannot "sell" it.
unfortunately i cannot remember when exactly i did my tests (this is important since my motherboard died, and i know have a 2GHz AMD with a lot of RAM while i had an 800MHz PIII before)
probably i'll redo the tests this weekend.
and since Franz obviously uses it, it should really work :-)
we might do a pdp_ie1394 object, but what about usb cams then ? how do they work on OSX ?
on osX everything is covered by the QuickTime-API, so any camera should work. (i don't how video/osX is implemented in pdp)
and of course, i didn't do the osX-part of the pix_video, so i might be completely wrong.
mfg.as.dr IOhannes