about a year ago i did some audio-stuff with Pd and asterisk but I can't get it to work anymore. What I did was this: I used a Softphone (Linphone) on my Desktop-machine to connect to asterisk, it's audio was connected to a oss2jack-device. I made a small patch wich put the input out with a 3 second delay and with variable pitch and used it to play some jokes to several people.
But this doesn't work anymore, at least not in Ubuntu Gutsy. It's definitely time for a Softphone with native jack-support (or a SIP-extension for pd ;)).
Another thing I did about 3 months ago was a small AGI-script for asterisk which sent keypresses from a caller via OSC. I used it as input for some gem-stuff.
I thought maybe it's possible to recognize dtmf in Pd, or even emulate a modem or something in it, I'm trying for some hours now to get oss2jack or the jack-libalsamodule to work, but I think I give up.
So please anyone program a jack-capable sip-phone or something and let me know if someone's interested in my OSC-agi-script and I'll try to find it.
Hans-Christoph Steiner schrieb:
Hey all,
I just met the development team of Asterisk at a talk they gave. For
those who don't know it, it's free software for building complete
phone systems, including voicemail, touch tone menus, voice prompts,
voice recogniztion integration, etc. It's very cool software, it
allows you to do whatever you want with phones.Anyway, I was thinking that Pd and Asterisk would be a very natural
pair, so I am wondering whether anyone has tried using the two together..hc
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