André Schmidt wrote:
i atlast inspired to test the flashserver, but i have NOT used flash/actionscript before (i like director/lingo more) so i have couple questions...
can i make exe files with flashMX ? (like projectors in director) (yes, i could find out this my self :)
it's also called projector (i think). look at the file menu, there is some point, where you can change options to export as swf, exe, html embeded, etc... you will find it.
- if yes, can i start pd from within the (flash) exe... you know, that
the user just starts the exe file that i made with flash, and then pd&co starts automaticly...
you could start PD and open from there. flashserver understands an open command.
- if some1 has more flashserver examples, please mail me...
(in pd) i connected [print] to the leftmost outlet of [flashserver] and typed "owsoeiglkhsdg" in the 'raw data entry" of 'flashserver.swf' but i don't get anything in pd, or should this not even work ?! (the sliders & 'hello world' works ok) [win2k, PD0.35-1, flashserver 0.2d]
try a ; at the end of the command.
thnx -andre ps. how hard would this be, PD<->Director ?
depends if there are possibilities to access a socket in director (something like a telnet client). It's quite possible that there are some externals. Could be very similar to flash.