In one of your tutorials, you asked about the "sort" message. Have a
look at 07.sequencer.pd. If you open the synthesis subpatch, you'll see
that pd-data is sent a sort message before sequencing. This sorts the
data so that the left-to-right order of the graphical objects on the
screen reflects the order in which they will be traversed. In this case
it's a way of ensuring that the sounds "match" the visuals.
did I? sorry, I didn't know. it was clear for me what sort is.
As far as undocumented features, I don't know, but I just noticed
there's a typo in the release notes: "A "sendwindow" message forwards any message to the window contining the
scalar currently pointed to."It's actually send-window (with a hyphen). [send-window vis 1( | [pointer]
where did you find that information? I was looking for that file, and
couldn't find it in pd-ext or pd-van. or is it only on svn or something?