here comes a template that may helps:
@echo off
set PD_PATCH=%1 set PD_INSTALL=C:\pd\bin set PD_AUDIO=-r 44100 -audiobuf 80 -sleepgrain 10 -audiodev 2 -channels 16 set PD_MIDI=-midiindev 1 -midioutdev 2 set PD_OPTIONS=-font 10 set PD_PATH=-path C:\pd\iemabs -path C:\pd\externs set PD_LIB=-lib iem_t3_lib -lib iemlib1 -lib iemlib2 -lib iem_mp3 -lib zexy -lib Gem
if "%PD_PATCH%"=="device" goto device if "%PD_PATCH%"=="Device" goto device if "%PD_PATCH%"=="DEVICE" goto device if "%PD_PATCH%"=="d" goto device if "%PD_PATCH%"=="D" goto device if "%PD_PATCH%"=="help" goto help if "%PD_PATCH%"=="Help" goto help if "%PD_PATCH%"=="HELP" goto help if "%PD_PATCH%"=="h" goto help if "%PD_PATCH%"=="H" goto help
@echo starting pd ... %PD_INSTALL%\pd %PD_AUDIO% %PD_MIDI% %PD_OPTIONS% %PD_PATH% %PD_LIB% %PD_PATCH% @echo off goto end
:device %PD_INSTALL%\pd -nomidi -noaudio -listdev goto end
:help %PD_INSTALL%\pd -help goto end
Jie Ma wrote:
hi list.
i'd like to streamline my work into a single batch file. but it seems that all commands after the one which calls pd patch are not running.
......(path) pd c:\pd\auto.pd copy auto.pd c:\
the copy command is never executed (auto.pd is in both \pd and \pd\bin) did i do something wrong?
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