But if I reset them, aren't they going to set their positions to zero? Also, only the second mass is moving, left inlet of [link] is attached to a fixed point, so how can I send force to the second [mass] via [link]? Right inlet won't give any results. What do you mean exactly by 'mass parameter'? Is it for [mass] or [link]? Could you give an example?
On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 1:16 PM, Cyrille Henry ch@chnry.net wrote:
after setting a mass position (in a not-physical way), you have to reset forces (in both link and masses).
If you want to set initial position, you better have to use the mass parameter. otherwise, sending force is the "correct" way move masses.
cheers Cyrille
Le 02/01/2013 11:48, Alexandros Drymonitis a écrit :
I'm applying physical modeling to some visuals with pmpd's objects. I'm facing a problem with setting the position of [mass] sending it [setX $1(. [mass] will go to that position indeed, but as soon as I turn [metro] on it tends to go back to the previous position and then return to the position currently set. Even if I send the same position number to [link], it shows the same behavior. The patch is as follows (connections from [metro] and [setX $1( actually go to left inlets):
[line 0 5] [metro 5] [setX $1( | /| / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / [link]x[mass]
Any ideas on how to overcome this?
p.s. happy new year!
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