De: "Ronni Montoya" Hi, im opening multiple instances of a pd patch from openframeworks using the ofxPd library .
My patch generates a grain, so when i create multiple instances of this patch from openframeworks it generates a granular cloud. I need that after the grain is generated ( when sound finishes) the patch can selfdestroy itself ( instance get closed) .
How can i do this?
you can do this with internal message "menuclose" to a canvas
[; my_patch_name menuclose(
Here is a method I've found yet to send internal messages through FUDI:
In your patch create a [receive 3000] object with '3000' connected to an empty message box, then you can fill the message box with the internal message and bang it. By this way it's possible to create dynamically whatever you want in the patch, or simply close it.