On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 03:25:38PM -0500, marius schebella wrote:
but think! - and don't get me wrong, because I know that your work is not recognized and valued enough - given the hours that you put into netpd and given the accessability of Pd in general I would assume this application to be about 1000 times more successful. And the reason why it is not, is, I think the lack of a better interface. I am talking about at least 1000 kids permanently using it, making music with their friends.
I think I lose my diplomacy, because I am angry when I see the waste of time that people put into patching using an unsatisfying software and not having the success they should have.
i can understand what do you guys have a trouble with ?
do you think things like .. some basic easy-to-use apps are good examples? which application do you find closer to ideal by it's user interface?
best, marius.
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