They contain templates for arrays.
[; pd-_float vis 1; pd-_float_array vis 1 (
More interestingly, it does not do canvas_free for those two instances when closing pd, suggesting this is a memory leak. So, what gives? Why does it create 2 invisible canvases, what is their function, and how do they differentiate from the regular canvases.
They aren't listed in the "Window" menu. But like any other canvas, you can send them objects and messages:
[; pd-_float obj 20 20 keyname, obj 20 80 print all_your_keys_are_belongs_to_us, connect 1 1 2 0 (
OK, so that explains why they are created. However, this does not answer the question why they are not being destroyed when exiting pd. Neither canvas_free nor glist_free are triggered when quitting pd, so this must be a memory leak, no?