Derek Kwan writes:
oliver writes:
even if "uniform rendering across systems" is definitely a worthy goal, are the bigger inlets really unavoidable ?
no chance to at least hack a personal version of a tcl file to make them thin again ?
i for one like the slimmer inlets waaaaay better.
I suppose I'm in the minority in the proceedings of this thread,... but I actually like the thick inlets/outlets =) I've never had the best eyesight (as evidenced by my ever-growing thickness of glasses lenses over my lifetime) so I like things big and high-contrasty (if anything, I could use another pixel-width thickness =P).
I suppose to due my differing opinion, I would +1 the option to change inlet/outlet thicknesses, perhaps via TCL or .pdsettings.
Sorry for the double posting in quick succession, but I've just noticed that although these objects have the thicker inlets/outlets:
objects number boxes symbol boxes message boxes
The following have the original THINNER inlets/outlets (perhaps due to them being more "fullblown GUI elements") : number2 boxes radios sliders bangs toggles VU meters
To sum up, everything in the first subdivision of the "Put" menu (besides comments which don't have inlets/outlets) have the thicker inlets/outlets, everything in the second subdivision has the smaller ones. Which is a bit inconsistent. Personally, I have a really hard time seeing those inlets/outlets in that second list, but from this thread, there are differing opinions to be had on the subject.
Derek Kwan