for now you can try Adam Lindsay's distribution which should be easy to set up and it's a single click installation. It puts everything in the right place...
cheers Ivan
On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 05:39 PM, Mark Khemma wrote:
I was just lucky enough to have a friend lend me his g4 titanium for a good period of time and i was wondering if anyone could help me get pd set up on OS X. I know I need a version of tcl/tk on my system but where to get it and how to put it in (on mac) leaves me baffled. I also have a motu 828 and would like to connect that up as well. But in the mean time, if someone just could point me in the right direction to get pd up on os x that would be great (running out of the motu would be a plus but not necessary at the moment).
thanks in advance, and sorry if this topic was discussed before
mark .k
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