For benefit of the archive, I thought I'd give directions on how I got remote X11 forwarding working. This would be useful to work on PDa on the IPAQ via your own laptop's display and input devices, or perhaps also to edit PD patches which are running on a remote webserver, etc etc etc.
First, edit the /etc/ssh/ssh_config file on the Host computer [i.e. your lap/desktop, not the IPAQ] and add the following line:
ForwardX11Trusted yes
I believe everything else should be commented out.
Then open a new SSH session from the Host to the Remote computer [i.e. IPAQ, webserver, etc] with the following command:
ssh -2 -X -C user@IP.address.of.Remote
Once you have a prompt inside the Remote computer, you can start X11 applications by command line:
pandev@h3900:~$ pd
Et voilĂ ! The application's GUI will appear in the display of your Host computer, but they will be physically running on the Remote computer. YMMV as to how responsive the GUI is, as this is a function of available bandwidth IIRC.
Thanks to chris@lo-res and Rene Wagner on the Familiar list for getting this straightened out with me!
See also: