I'm interested in using pd patches for game audio and was wondering if anyone had thoughts and suggestions about integration of libpd with existing game engines. So far I've briefly scoped out Unity, Blender and Shiva3D, all with their own drawbacks.
Unity: Pricey, no linux games or editor, seems there's OSC plugin Blender: Gamekit for mobile? Not sure about its maturity Shiva3d: Builds to win/mac/linux/web/android/iphone..., No OSC support, promises a linux editor with 2.0 Torque: No android support?
So far I'm leaning toward trying to tie libpd or osc into one of these engines in order to use libpd for audio. Shiva3D allows you to make plugins ( http://www.stonetrip.com/developer/doc/plugin/create ) which I think I could get working with some effort either by creating libpd or OSC plugins.
Does anyone have opinions or experience with this? I'm really just looking for a mobile-ready graphics engine (like GEM!) that I can use to mess around with music. Would my time be better spent writing my own library in openGL ES (I just need simple graphics)? Should GEM be ported? How do would you make beautiful interfaces to pd on mobile devices?
Cheers, -martin