Hello Seiichiro
Thank you for your help, but I want that directly in pd, because I can't create manually all kanji's value…. 1945 officials kanji ….
for my exhibitions and performances : 12-02-2012 I present @ apple store of Ganza @ 19 h >>> translation, a video/audio set programmed with pd and @ The French Insitut during one month I have 2 works : words city (it's a creation which works with web-participation) pd+bash+php and phAUTOmaton.
If you are @ Tokyo, I will be very happy to meet you.
best regards
Le 11 févr. 2013 à 15:22, Seiichiro MATSUMURA a écrit :
Hi Phillippe,
I find a web tool ASCII converter. Is this helpful you at the moment?
ASCII converter http://www.mikezilla.com/exp0012.html
I am also curious of your performances at Apple store Ginza and the French Institution. Could you show the information?
-- __/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/ Seiichiro Matsumura
sei@low-tech-ism.com http://low-tech-ism.com/ __/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/
2013/2/11 philippe boisnard philemon1@mac.com:
My last problem, it's that I search to translate font character in hex ? somebody had a solution :
I read a .txt file, I want to translate msgfile in hex or an other solution ?
Le 11 févr. 2013 à 08:21, philippe boisnard a écrit :
Hello Jack
Thx I have understood the problem : it was that my all japanese font was not good because, immediatly with your package it was good !!! THXXXXXX ! I can transform my 2 installations with
bes regards and many thanks
philippe Le 11 févr. 2013 à 08:11, Jack a écrit :
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/ Seiichiro Matsumura
sei@low-tech-ism.com http://low-tech-ism.com/ __/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/ <japan_font2.pd><スクリーンショット 2013-02-11 15.18.44.jpg>