rat@telecoma.net wrote:
any suggestions as to how i could get the spheres to renderf a bit smoother and get antialiasing like in the jitter screenshot?
it seems to me that u could use more slices for the spheres of your patch. sphere has 2 creation arguments: sice and slices. look at /gem/examples/01.basic/06.sphere.pd
thanks. i've tinkered with the number of slices, but thats not really what i'm taling about. if you look at the top center of my screenshot, there are two balls which have each single white pixels towards their upper left... when this is animated you see these little white pixels flashes on lots of the balls and it makes it look pretty messy.
also, no matter how many slices you have, you still get the jagged pixels where the edges of the ball meet the black background unless you have antialiasing like in the jitter screen.
chris clepper responded off list to suggest doing [alpha]->[polygon_smooth]->[geos] which produces these results:
so this makes the spheres translucent, but he edges of them are still jagged and not antialiased.
btw, i'm using gem-cvs-2003-08-11.zip
thanks all!