You have to start a MIDI patch bay and connect the output of pd MIDI to your soundcard. (like qjacktctl or aconnectgui)
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005, [ISO-8859-1] Beno�t Rouits wrote:
hello, I am Beno�t, totally new to pd. Running pd on my laptop with a 2.6.10 linux kernel and a tiny usb-midi interface, i get no midi activity (no leds, no output on the synthesizer, even in omni mode) while trying to use [noteout]. $>pd (zero option) Opened Alsa Client 128 in:1 out:1
Test patch is as follow : (simplified version)
[bang( [1
| [makenote 64 500] | [noteout]Is this a patch problem ? if so, please send correct syntax. For information,
pmidi foobar.mid
works perfectly, so, i think my midi configuration is good. thanks in advance, -- Beno�t Rouits
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