hi tom,
try getting them one-by-one (perhaps, automate with a counter). In the scriptlet, change ".(set res.)" to ".(lindex $res $3.)" and drive that by [pack s s 0].
In essence, using tot to get directory listing is like taking a paraglider to visit a shop next street...
tom wrote:
I wanted to work a bit on directory listing with TOT because I use WINXP. I built this patch, but it crashes often and relies on too many
this is a bit cryptic, but hopefully works:
query set dir [tk_chooseDirectory] .: if .($dir != "" && ![catch .(glob [file join $dir *.txt].) res].) .(set res.)
Send this to a [tot .] -> [route bang] and read from the right outlet of the route.
The trickier problem is, how to deal with large lists of filenames -- there is a limit imposed by the pdgui->pd connection. I think one way would be to metro-out the filenames one-by-one? Or store them in a temporary file to be read into a [textfile]?
Seems like it is a hard time without a [folder] clone...