So I'm waiting for the Behringer BCF-2000 control surface that I bought off ebay, and thinking of all the fun stuff I could do with it. There's a PMPD example patch with several sliders connected to eachother like an elastic string, and I was thinking it'd be fun to connect each slider to a fader on the BCF, so when I moved one fader, the others would move in a ripply wave effect. That got me thinking of other fun ways to use the motorized faders, and as I've also been thinking of getting a force-feedback controller or 2, I was wondering if it's damaging to the motors or anything to use them for that. I've never really used motorized faders for anything besides recalling sessions on digital mixing boards, so I don't really know how they react to the resistance of your fingers, and if they can push against you without doing any harm.
any thoughts?