Hi Alexandre,
Since you are interested in doing some maintenance in the cyclone library, I would like to report a possible bug found by an user in the forum and then confirmed by me. Apparently there are some problems with the object [delay~] and I am not sure they are present in Max 5 (I can check at my school if you want to). The problem is actually two bugs: first, the argument is completely ignored (so no delay is applied when I try [delay 44100]). The second problem is about the range of the values accepted by [delay~] via its rightmost inlet: it clips any input into values between 0 and 44100, so it's not possible to have a delay longer than 1 second.
Here is the forum thread where this was reported: http://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/9371/what-does-delay-do/2
Cheers, Gilberto