Wouh, and another posting. Hmmm, I've planned to do a kind of patch which would help me creating some rythmic patterns. The core : a sample in a buffer (for instance a drum). The parameters : tempo and a "groove template" say Random1 If I press a key on my keyboard, the event is first transmitted to a select object which outputs a bang related to the Random1 "groove template". This triggers a subpatch (a random sequence that duplicates the bang at different times) so that the sample is played at different times. In the mean time, some functions will change continually the behaviour of an FX rack (for instance lp filters etc etc) to transform what is sent out by my sampler. Using it I could have some interesting rythmic patterns. Has anyone already tried to make this kind of thing work ? What issues may I face to ? And last thing : do you personally have some other ideas to make astounding rythmic patterns ? No no, that's not benchmarking, just trying to know what other (fully functional) brains have already think of. it coulp open other perspectives... Cheers ! touti
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