A basic rule is that the more space it takes on the HD the less temporal compression it has and the less CPU it will take to decode. Files that take up very little HD space tend to take a lot of CPU to decode.
HD space is cheap now adays, stick with motion-jpg or photo-jpeg.
myrssini wrote:
I am setting up a project with pd and I need to have up to 3 videos loaded in Gem and running at the same time Most of these are around 30 sec Appart from 3 that stay on for 3-4 min and they size around 700MB each uncompressed
PD seems does play them put it keeps coming up with the message "movie might crush...survived"
So I am looking for a good compression !
I run on winXP, pd v0.39, and the videos are in PAL I tryed Indeo Video 5 but Gem doesnt accept it (crushes), plus pure quality motion-Jpeg looks very nice but gives huge files
thanks a lot m
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