Hey man, I've attached part of one of my patches which generates rhythm slowly. The percussion sounds are very basic filtered noise but you might be able to work out the control system from this. Oh, I knowthis is very sparse indeed. But it's lifted from a patch with about 30 similar sub-patches creating melody. God Bless Andrew
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2009 19:34:36 -0700 From: info@thespacebetweenthewords.org To: pd-list@iem.at Subject: [PD] Stochastic rhythms in pd
Has anyone done any work with percussive elements in pd, other than more traditional drum machine, looping applications?
Something that generates seemingly random, preferably sparse rhythmic elements based, or not, on some minimal user input?
Are there any patches that anyone would like to share?
-- Regards, Jerome Covington . . . . : . . . . : "define audio development"
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