Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
On Jul 27, 2006, at 11:35 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
hans@eds.org wrote:
Does anyone have a recent Gem binary for GNU/Linux they could send
me? I need it for a workshop I am teaching.with which libraries linked against? GNU/Linux is a very vague description of your system.
btw, there/this IS a/the reason i don't offer precompiled binaries
for linux.apart from that, i naturally do have a compiled Gem (for my system
(debian etch/sid with debian-multimedia.org-packages); do you want them?I guess that there are no statically linked binaries for GNU/Linux.
Then you could indeed have a functional binary that works for that
vague description.
true. the problem with static compilation is the size of the result.
Something that would work with Debian and/or Fedora would be good.
well, the version is sent you (did you get it?) does work on Debian. i don't have access to Fedora-machines, so i cannot try it out.
mf.adsr IOhannes
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