Hi Hans,
I think that this version is crashing when I edit a patch that uses gops, and then close the window - it asks if I want to discard the changes, and I click yes, then it closes out pd entirely. This only appears to happen when the main patch involves gops - not when it's just regular objects I think. I don't think I noticed this with rc3 - did you ever answer my last question (sorry if it didn't get through to you) which was whether this debian packaged rc4 included code updates over rc3 or whether it is rc4 by virtue of being a deb package alone?
The package is totally sweet, it integrates so much more nicely in the system, but I am restarting pd a lot these days because of this little bug ;) I am working almost exclusively with gops now.
Is there a log or a way I can maybe give you some more useful info aside from my personal testimony? Can anyone else verify this?