tania habib wrote:
hi, Thanks for telling me how to include the iem_adaptfilt library in PD. It works but some strange things are happening now, for instance some of the objects can not be created. e.g. unsig~ FIR~ IR
these 2 are part of iemlib.
this i don't know, but there is a [z~] (lowercase!) in zexy.
If somebody using this objects in their files, kindly tell me whether those are part of iem_adaptfilt or I need to load some other library for these?
yep, you need iemlib (iemlib1, iemlib2) and zexy.
Secondly I can not run examples of adaptive library as some of the objects can not be created such as lms~ This behavior is really strange for me.
so you did load the iem_adaptfilt library before opening the patches? (with "-lib iem_adaptfilt", or whatever)
also you might have to include the path to some abstractions. there ought to be a README.txt; if not, i'll have a word with the authors ;-)
mfga.dsr IOhannes