hello, we have done something similar to distribute a chdh performance on a usb stick. Nicolas did the job for osX. As far as I remember, he started from an old pd-extended package, change the pd version, add externals and did few glue to start everything as we wanted
You can download it and see how it works :
cheers c
Le 12/01/2017 à 17:17, enrike a écrit :
I would like to have a version of PD with a set of externals and to be able to pass that app to some students not needing to set the preferences to load the externals in every machine (neither copy the preferences file). I want it to be 100% portable.
I was reading this old post about something similar https://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-list/2008-10/065691.html
Is it possible to achieve this nowadays?
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