There is a [popup] in iemlib and/or flatspace. I don't know if it is the same one or who did it.
It's an abstraction but it doesn't make any sense to me and doesn't seem to be complete.
There are some boxes called [pop] with lots of arguemts in there that don't create - neither on Linux nor Windows7 64-bit.
BTW, I'm normally on Linux (Debian 9.5, 32-bit) and Pd 0.49.
From: Dafydd Hughes [] Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 2:31 PM To: Ingo Cc: Pd-List Subject: Re: [PD] Dropdown Menu external?
Hi Ingo
An external called [popup] by Ben Bogart (hi Ben!) was included in pd-extended. I used it extensively, so copied it from extended into my current vanilla install, and it works. I believe it may be mac only, but can't be sure. Would that help?
Not in front of my own computer ATM, so I can't send a screencap.
On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 7:58 AM Ingo < > wrote:
I have found [Jmmmp/] and [iemlib/popup] by now.
[popup] doesn't do anything and there is no help file at all.
[] doesn't do anything either but has a help file. Unfortunately the help file doesn't help me.
Since these seem to be abstractions it looks like it can be done without externals.
Can someone point me to some information about making popups?
From: Pd-list [ ] On Behalf Of Ingo Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 12:22 PM To: 'Pd-List' Subject: [PD] Dropdown Menu external?
Hi everybody and Happy Easter!
Does anybody know an external that opens a dropdown menu when clicking on it?
It would be necessary that it reads the content from a file in case that the content changes while Pd is running.
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