Hallo, Matt Barber hat gesagt: // Matt Barber wrote:
So in order to have my students understand [qlist] and its files, they have found it very useful to know about the message system in message boxes... it makes the message system in Pd on the whole a lot more understandable and less confusing, and it seems to be less confusing the earlier you introduce it to them.
And then later if you can make your students understand, that even the text in object boxes is a message to an internal receiver, they will have an easier time when they want to do some dynamic patching.
I think, a style guide should take care not to over-regulate things.
For example I'd rather start with making people properly left-align their patches and avoid crossing patch cords and use [trigger]s everywhere - this is very important to make patches readable and maintainable and generally learn to "think in Pd".
But if at the end of an object tree there is a [s foo] or a [; foo $1( is not that important IMHO. People will get tired of typing lots of $-variables on their own.
Nobody uses [; foo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9( anyway when a simple [s foo] is sufficient.