Are you planning on putting the contents of your workshop on libpd online? Or to do an online workshop, where people all around can listen to you?
I am not sure what the recording arrangements will be, but if either NYC
or LA are recorded I am sure it will be put online.However this is a type of interactive workshop where I hope to help
people out on their actual laptops and devices rather than lecturing at them, so it
might not be 100% suitable for video.
yes, but it would be nice for us to be informed. I'm itching to get my as an online tool.
Maybe I can get to Berlin somehow soonish?
that's up to you, not to me :)
I should be able to get a place to stay. I can give some contacts of
places to teach, but of course Berlin is famous for being cheap to live,
and treating it's residents and guests even cheaper than that.