I work with images >5k resolution (and tiling) :-)
this is still a lot for real time in the CPU.
It´s not realtime and it does not have to be realtime. It´s more like a render job for pd/GEM in single buffered mode.
you can have 2 array : the unsorted, and the sorted. then interpolate between 2.
Yes, I will give it a try. At least it should make sense in a visual way. I dont want tons of colored noisy pixels...
2015-05-22 10:09 GMT+02:00 Cyrille Henry ch@chnry.net:
Le 21/05/2015 23:39, Rainer . a écrit :
Thanks for the response so far!!!
1000000 - just a number to make it clear that I want to sort big lists.
I should have been more precise - in fact I want to sort pixel values, a huge amount of pixel values. I´ve done this already with sort from zexy (with arrays) and it worked pretty well. But it´s either the original or the sorted result. So a animation or a warp or at least 75% between would be nice. ...
you can have 2 array : the unsorted, and the sorted. then interpolate
between 2.
1000000 is hard to handle... it's more square than pixel in a 1024x768 screen!
I work with images >5k resolution (and tiling) :-)
this is still a lot for real time in the CPU. but if you find a way to store the 2 array in the GPU (using texture), and interpolate with a shader, then you will be fine.
btw. what is the meaning of "invision"???
i think Iohannes ask what is a 75% sorted list.
cheers c
2015-05-21 18:52 GMT+02:00 Cyrille Henry <ch@chnry.net mailto: ch@chnry.net>:
Le 21/05/2015 18:13, Py Fave a écrit : you can multiply lists component wise check in (listabs ) in help
multiply by a fraction then multiply with the goal values for large list, i suggest using array and iem_tab for a fade between A and B, x being the fade factor for 0 to 1, the
fade would be : A * (1-x) + B * x
you should look egregore by chdh (on this list ) for morphing and they have a live in one week on the net using the patch thanks for the reminder ;-) we don't have "lot's" of fade involve in egregore, but if you like
lot's of particles moving, you should see the next chdh performance : "morphist" (2 live in Paris next month, see chdh.net http://chdh.net for more informations)
1000000 is hard to handle... it's more square than pixel in a 1024x768 screen! but with a good computer, 100 000 moving dots should not be a problem. cheers c 2015-05-21 16:16 GMT+02:00 Rainer . <fundamentalstern@gmail.com
e.g. what's 75% between "1 6 8 4 3" and "1 3 4 6 8" Yes, that´s the question. I am thinking of e.g. 1000000
squares [GEM] fading from random position to sorted postition.
How can I fade lists? Thanks, Rainer 2015-05-21 15:56 GMT+02:00 IOhannes m zmoelnig <
zmoelnig@iem.at mailto:zmoelnig@iem.at>:
On 2015-05-21 15:47, Rainer . wrote: Hi, I´m just playing with the sort object from zexy lib,
sorting a bunch of floats. I wonder if there is a way to fade or morph(?) from unsorted to sorted state?
how do you invision that? e.g. what's 75% between "1 6 8 4 3" and "1 3 4 6 8" how is your result different from a generic fade between
two lists of equal lengths?
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