Hi all,
I am wondering if anyone can shed some light on the following predicament. I am by no means a multi-threading guru so any insight would be most appreciated.
The following are relevant excerpts from the code of an external. AFAIK the external initializes mutex and cond and spawns a secondary worker thread that deals with audio-unfriendly (xrun-causing) write operations to the wiimote and terminates it when the object is destructed waiting for the thread to join back and then destroying the mutex.
Now, if I add a bit of usleep right after the thread has been spawned as part of the constructor (as included below) the external seems very stable (e.g. cutting and pasting it as fast as keyboard allows, or in other words constructing and destructing instances of it as fast as possible does not result in a crash). Yet, when one does not use usleep right after spawning the secondary (worker) thread in the constructor, the whole thing is very crash-prone, almost as if the spawning of thread does not go well unless given adequate time to do get things all into sync, so to say, even though this makes to me no sense as the way I understand it the constructor does not move ahead until pthread_create does not return a value (which in this case I am not bothering to read).
Curiously, when not using usleep, a crash may occur right at creation time, at any point while the object exists, and even as late as during its destruction. Any ideas?
P.S. I am also including the entire file for those interested in trying it out.
Best wishes,
Relevant excerpts (in random order and incomplete to allow for greater legibility):
//struct defining the object typedef struct _wiimote { t_object x_obj; // standard pd object (must be first in struct)
//Creating separate threads for actions known to cause sample drop-outs pthread_t unsafe_t; pthread_mutex_t unsafe_mutex; pthread_cond_t unsafe_cond;
t_float unsafe;
t_float led;
} t_wiimote;
//constructor static void *pd_cwiid_new(t_symbol* s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { ...
x->led = 0;
// spawn threads for actions known to cause sample drop-outs
threadedFunctionParams rPars;
rPars.wiimote = x;
pthread_mutex_init(&x->unsafe_mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&x->unsafe_cond, NULL);
pthread_create( &x->unsafe_t, NULL, (void *)
&pd_cwiid_pthreadForAudioUnfriendlyOperations, (void *) &rPars);
//WHY IS THIS NECESSARY? I thought that pthread_create call will first
finish spawning thread before proceeding
usleep(100); //allow thread to sync (is there a better way to do this?)
//destructor static void pd_cwiid_free(t_wiimote* x) { if (x->connected) { pd_cwiid_doDisconnect(x); //this one has nothing to do with thread but rather disconnects the wiimote }
x->unsafe = -1; //to allow secondary thread to exit the while loop
pthread_join(x->unsafe_t, NULL);
//worker thread void pd_cwiid_pthreadForAudioUnfriendlyOperations(void *ptr) { threadedFunctionParams *rPars = (threadedFunctionParams*)ptr; t_wiimote *x = rPars->wiimote; t_float local_led = 0; t_float local_rumble = 0; unsigned char local_rpt_mode = x->rpt_mode;
while(x->unsafe > -1) {
if ((local_led == x->led) && (local_rumble == x->rumble) &&
(local_rpt_mode == x->rpt_mode)) { pthread_cond_wait(&x->unsafe_cond, &x->unsafe_mutex); }
if (local_led != x->led) {
local_led = x->led;
//do something
if (local_rumble != x->rumble) {
local_rumble = x->rumble;
//do something else
//an example of how the thread is affected by the main thread void pd_cwiid_setLED(t_wiimote *x, t_floatarg f) { if (x->connected) { x->led = f;